Natural Medicine
Natural medicine is not something with which most people are familiar with, and might conjure up various images. However, nothing could be further from the truth and natural medicine is just that—helping the body to recover its own health in the most natural way possible. The aim of natural medicine is to restore the body to how it should be functioning and keep it there! Natural medicine works to help our body to prevent illness by building up its reserves and systems to give it the tools it needs to repair any damage or fight off an infection it may come across in its daily activities. Prevention is the aim and treatment of the causes of disease, rather than the symptoms the aim of any treatment.Solaris Medical Wellness features pharmaceutical grade nutraceuticals by some of the most trusted companies include Thorne, Pure Encapsulations, and Priority One. With these, you can treat chronic fatigue, EBV, liver disease, the flu, and other illness as well as gaining the competitive edge with Meyer’s IV Cocktail of vitamins. Dr. McWilliams offers supplements and nutritional advice to help you advance toward a healthier lifestyle. The following are some conditions, which may require supplementation:– Any major trauma or disease– Weight loss/weight gain– Body fat control– A history of poor dietary habits– Post-surgical detoxification– Hormone imbalance– Detoxification program
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