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Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) &Anti-Aging HormoneOptimization

With the use of BHRT, Solaris Medical Wellness in Arizona can help ... you improve or minimize symptoms like:Hot flashesNight sweatsMood changesWeight gainLow sex driveLack of focusAside from minimizing the symptoms of hormone unbalance, BHRT can also improve your overall wellbeing and reduce the risk of diabetes, tooth loss, or even cataracts, improve your skin thickness and elasticity.Several studies suggest that using BHRT can significantly alleviate symptoms of aging, including dry skin, itching, and fragile skin, as well as reduce skin atrophy and improve skin hydration. As we age, the level of collagen in our skin drops. Still, by maintaining a right balance of testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid hormones in our bodies, we can ensure the integrity and healthy look of our skin.Contact Solaris Medical Wellness at (408) 802-6617 for more information on natural medicine and to find out if it is appropriate for you.more

Female Hormone Replacement Therapy

As we get older, our hormone levels steadily start to decrease. This ... drop isn’t rapid, and it takes many years before we realize that we aren’t who we used to be.In order to establish a hormone deficiency, an extensive lab workup has to be performed.In women, the most common symptoms of hormone deficiency may include frequent urinary tract infections or UTIs, irregular or absent periods, depression, trouble maintaining focus and concentration, fatigue, mood swings and hot flashes.All these symptoms in women can be addressed with the use of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Bioidentical hormones are hormones made from plants that are identical to the hormones our body produces. The most frequent hormone replacement therapies used are for estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.Hormone treatment can be done through topical creams, intramuscular injections, or subcutaneous implants, although injections and implants are the most effective since they bypass the skin.As a result of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, both men and women will have higher and improved energy levels, regain their sense of independence, increase their libido, strength, and stamina, as well as improve their focus and enhance mental clarity.Contact Solaris Medical Wellness at (408) 802-6617 for more information on natural medicine and to find out if female hormone replacement is appropriate for you.more

Hormone Replacement Therapy

When our hormone levels aren’t optimal, we tend to feel tired, ... irritable, and lose focus quickly. While our bodies may not be producing enough hormones, levels can be improved through Hormone Pellet therapy. This type of treatment consists of using hormones extracted from natural plants. And since these hormones have the same molecular structure as the ones your body produces, it ensures they will work on an optimal level.Hormone Pellet Therapy in Arizona has been successfully used to help both women and men in regaining their libido, boost their energy, improve their sexual performance, sharpen their focus, and so on.The hormone pellets are implanted subcutaneously (under the skin) around your hip area. Over time, the pellets release small quantities of hormones (testosterone or estrogen), which, as a result, have increased quality of life, sense of wellbeing, decrease irritability and increase lean muscle tissue.Furthermore, hormone pellet therapy has also been successful in relieving perimenopausal , menopausal and postmenopausal symptoms in women.If you would like to know more about this or other natural medicine forms, contact Solaris Medical Wellness and see which one is the right one for you.Contact Solaris Medical Wellness at (408) 802-6617 for more informationon natural medicine and to find out if it is appropriate for you.more

Men’s Hormone Replacement Therapy

Starting from age 27 to 28, the hormones of men begin to steadily ... decline and continue to decline as we age. However, these drops in hormones generally need an average of 5 to 15 years before an accumulative loss is marked enough for you to realize that you’re not who you once were. A comprehensive lab (blood) work-up is first analyzed to reveal deficiencies in hormones that rob you of your energy, strength, vitality and health.Typical andropausal symptoms in men due to testosterone deficiency may include loss of drive and motivation, loss of libido, loss of strength & stamina, poor muscle tone & loss of lean muscle tissue, abdominal weight gain & increased fat, joint pain, and a lack of mental clarity. WE DO NOT PROVIDE GYM MEDICINE. You must be at least 30 years or older for consideration. Exceptions include those under 30 who have frank defiencies.Typical symptoms of adult growth hormone deficiency may include poor recovery, poor stamina, poor sleep, increased obesity (especially abdominal weight gain), sagging skin, poor energy, thinning skin, poor lean muscle and weakness.Deficiency of DHEA may include anxiety, depression, and brain fog.Symptoms of thyroid deficiency may include weight gain, fatigue (especially in the afternoon), dry hair, dry skin, cold hands, cold feet, and constipation.Hormone treatments in the order of effectiveness can include topical creams, intramuscular injections, and subcutaneous implantation of testosterone and/or estradiol hormone pellets. Creams are not as highly recommended as shots or pellets since the transdermal administration (via the skin barrier) may disallow as effective dosing as intramuscular or subcutaneous administration that bypass the skin. The net result is the restoration of your quality of life, more independence, improved energy, increased strength & stamina, enhanced mental clarity & acuity, and improved cardiovascular morbidity factors because of the increased lean muscle and decreased fat tissue.Contact Solaris Medical Wellness at (408) 802-6617 for more informationon natural medicine and to find out if it is appropriate for you.more